So here we are at Easter...we've sat in the upper room and shared a meal, we've heard Jesus' despair in the garden, seen him betrayed and arrested and now we stand looking at him hanging on the cross. But what next? Will anything happen next?
Ok, Easter Sunday happened and there is the empty tomb, but when it all happened the disciples didn't know about Sunday, they didn't know about Ascension or Pentecost. All they knew was that Jesus was dead!
Lucky me has two services to lead (one being my first assessed service at College) shortly after Easter and both my scriptural texts are about the disciples waiting and feeling disorientated, not really sure what the last few years have been about and what to do next. So I have been thinking about this 'waiting in disorientation'. On the Saturday, the disciples sat and waited, on the days following Easter Sunday, the disciples sat and waited. Waiting for something to happen, their world had been blown to pieces and they needed some idea on how to put it back together, to move forward from the events that they had just witnessed. And so Brueggemann's 'orientation-disorientation-reorientation' principle is as applicable to Eastertide, as it is to the Psalms, as it is to events that many of us face in life. How many times do we go through this process, I know I have: candidating for ministry and arriving here, good recent example!
And so I sit and wait for what will happen next, hoping that its reorientation rather than further disorientation!
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