Friday, February 1, 2013

Lack of sleep...

I should be currently reading about the Catholic Reformation and not writing my blog, but it has been a long week and I keep getting distracted so I might as well get distracted in a slightly productive way.

This week it was my turn to be assessed on my delivery of worship and preaching. Now, to say I have been a jibbering wreck about this for weeks is a slight over exaggeration, but I have lost sleep over it. You would think having spent time now on placement in a church where though I wasn't delivering a sermon every week, I was involved with the leading of worship, this wouldn't phase me. But preaching in chapel to your peers and the College Senatus is a whole different ball game. These people are really going to tell you what they think at the door and not just shake your hand and say "lovely hymn choice, vicar".

BUT WHY should I loose sleep over preaching in chapel and not over preaching out in the church? Yes, it is different, but should I not give the same attention and care to the worship I craft wherever I deliver it? Now before people think I'm putting myself down, I know the effort I put in to Thursday was no different from what I would have put in if I had been preaching this Sunday to a congregation of complete strangers. I guess what I am musing is that I wish sometimes I did occasionally loose sleep over preparing for a Sunday, rather than just for this one Thursday a year.

 So here's to lack of sleep... may it be a frequent visitor when wrestling with Scripture :o)

1 comment:

  1. I really would go the other way - sleep more, fear less, believe in yourself
