The end of term is here. We've had the end of term formal dinner, final communion, those that are leaving the college for the vacation are packing up their belongs and filling they're cars. Life the next five weeks will be very different from the last eight!
However, though I may not have lectures, it is not time to sit back and put my feet up (unfortunately). There are two 3,000 word essays to get written, five chapters of John to attempt to translate and two acts of worship to prepare! Plenty to keep me out of trouble and encamped in the library.
BUT life will be different, there is another new routine to get my head round. The faces that I see everyday won't mostly be here, but other new faces will appear. No chapel every morning. I have to remember not just to go and eat, but that I have to cook what I'm going to eat! By week 5 of the vacation I will have just about got my head round the change, when it will all change again! If I have learnt anything over the past two terms, there is not a normal rhythm to life at Westminster! Sometimes this can be a real challenge, but other times a real blessing.
Ministry is a vocation and it's not just about being sat at my desk from 8-12 writing sermons and then visiting my congregations from 1-4, it is about my whole life, about who I am. Every day will potentially be different, filled with challenge and blessing. This both excites me and scares me, but that is why I am here, living in this community and being prepared for what is outside the safety of these four walls.
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