Friday, February 17, 2012


Compared to last week, this week has been fairly uneventful apart from the College Revue last night. Each year at Westminster, the students and the staff turn their hands to something that is a little less theologically-minded to something that displays other talents which may or may not help with ministry within the URC (or another denomination as we do have students who are not URC).

Now Senatus as the Strictly Come Liturgical Dancing Judges was a triumph - I don't think I will every be able to look at the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Archbishop of York or the General Secretary of the URC again without picturing them liturgically dancing! And as for the rest of the acts, well there is nothing more that can be said than what a talented bunch we are!

(Please note we didn't have footage of esteemed members of clergy performing liturgical dance, so there is no point searching YouTube. Senatus were just very good at describe what it maybe like if any of them took it up as a past time!)

We spend so much of our time reading, reflecting and attempting to be theologians, that it can be easy to forget who we are. Last night I think we all showed another side of ourselves to the community and we that we haven't forgotten who we are. (Well not yet anyway!)

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