Well we are now officially on the downhill to the end of term... week 6 started today, which means three weeks till I have finished my first term as an Ordinand! Oh my! And after spending the last five weeks doubting whether I can actually do this, I think I may have turned the corner thanks to Church History and the words "don't forget you have 4 years - you don't have to do it all in the first four weeks"!
Now you would think that it would be some revelation from unpacking a piece of scripture that would lead to this and not the Late Medieval Church, Wycliffe and a facebook message from my big brother - but theology isn't just about the Bible you know! Sometimes people say the words you really need to hear at the time and/or you achieve something which you thought was possible impossible. This is what has happen to me this week. I've discovered I can read books that are over 200 years old and then write a really good essay (according to my Church History Supervisor not me, honest) and I do have 4 years to get my head round it all!
The next three weeks aren't going to be a walk in the park - I have two essays to write for starters and at least three more walls to plaster with Greek - but it is all possible and I will survive!
So, after spending time this evening learning about using visuals in worship, and pictures are generally lacking I feel in my lectures and books I have to read - here is a pictorial summary of my last five weeks...
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