As we move back to a routine of in-person worship in our church buildings, we realise that it is still not possible for all folk to come. Partly this is logistical - our buildings are just not big enough to have everyone sat adequately apart. But also to come into church for some of you who might have been engaging with the worship published on these pages over the past year is not something you have done or feel, at this time, comfortable with doing. Therefore, we are working on having our worship still up online through the wonders of live streaming! (Bear with us though as we are still learning!)

For St Mark's United Church, Greenwich, our worship is being streamed to our facebook page and you can go here for live worship on Sundays at 11am, or to catch up at a different time.

For Bromley United Reformed Church, live streaming is on it's way! When it is up and running I will post the link here.

Some services are also being recorded and uploaded to YouTube, therefore, do keep an eye on the pastorate's YouTube channel: Greenwich and Bromley United Reformed Churches

May God bless you in the week ahead.