Originally, I had no intention of publishing this on my blog. But if a confession of faith in the reformed-sense is a statement of where one is today with God or with one's understanding of God, then actually it is something that should be publishing. Especially as this blog is about my journey to ordination. So after two and half years at theological college, this is where I currently stand. Not to say this is where I will be at the point of ordination, or 10 or 20 years into ministry, for I am reformed and faith is evolutionary! But for today this my confession:
I believe in the one, true and living God, who is creator
and sustainer of all. The one in whom, through whom and for whom all has come
in to being. It is, therefore, in God my faith has found its home.
I believe in
the trinity of God, through which the mercy and grace of God is given to all:
The one who is the source and
Jesus called Father. The parental figure of creation, even when the concept of
parenthood is difficult to comprehend;
The one who is the Word made flesh—Jesus
Christ. The demonstrator of what it means to truly live a holy life, and to
live in unity with and in God. Who conquered death so that moments of unholy
living are not deemed irredeemable;
The one who is the inspirer—the Holy Spirit. Who has
the power to break open even that which is most tightly closed. Who sustains
faith from its strongest to its weakest points.
I believe in the holy catholic Church that continues to live
out the life of discipleship, first asked of those who Jesus physically called to
follow. As the body of Christ, I recognised we are a body of many and varied
members, all of whom which have an equal part to play in the glorification of
God; not only today, but yesterday, and tomorrow.
God calls the world to be holy as the Godself is holy. It is
through and in the trinity of God, that holiness is brought to fruition and to
whom I offer praise and supplication as I strive to lead the life to which I am
be to God, creator and sustainer; the one who was, and is, and is to come.