So this is the first blog on what I hope will be a blog that I will update as I progress over the next four years of training. Can't quite believe that this is the end of my first week... though I have to admit that it has felt like Friday since Wednesday! It has not been a normal week at Theology college, but an interesting one all the same. Apart from lots of information about what will happen over the next four year, I have spent a lot of time starting to learn Greek, which has been a challenge! I now know what a noun and a verb is!! Wow, that is something I never thought I would know.
I'm not entirely sure how I'm meant to feel at the end of this week, apart from tired and a tad saddle-sore (have been riding my bike for the first time in quite a few years!). I don't think it has even really sunk in yet that I am actually here. I'm sure that will all change next week when I start lectures...
So for now from a very new Ordiand, "Greek must I study!"